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July 9, 2022 Subject:
To Cody Hovland
Q : what's the family of bubble people from?
A: i think it’s from a deleted scene from the movie and i quote from the script:
A beautiful green meadow.
A clear blue Sky
And Jimmy, in his bubble suit.
Running through the grass,
frolicking happily.
And next to him,
holding his hand, is— CHLOE. In her own bubble suit. They laugh together as they run. And next to them are— TWO CHILDREN.
A boy and a girl, both in bubble
smiling happily, cute as buttons.
Trying to keep up with
Them is-- A DOG Also in a bubble suit.
It barks, muffled. Next to him is scurries—
BUBBLE GUINEA PIG, rolling through the tall grass
Jimmy's perfect bubble family runs through the field and laughing together. Birds In Bubble Suits Fly Overhead chirping happily.
Everything is perfect
(extract from the script page 26 and page 27 of the Movie Bubble Boy Dated (09/11/2000) Aka the Filming Script for the movie)
I'm building my own bubble boy suit for my YouTube channel. Its going to have a AC unit pumping AC into as I enjoy my summer without dying from this heat! Its so cool to see all this original stuff! I'm trying to make the bubble look just like the movie and seeing these original drawings are awesome!
Just curious, what's the family of bubble people from? Also, what's in the torrent? The movie?